INFAPRO The Forest Rehabilitation Centre (Sabah)
Step into the rainforest jungle of Danum Valley Conservation Area for the ultimate Borneo experience. If you are a keen naturalist or an adventure seeker and content with the bare necessities of clean and comfortable facilities, INFAPRO is a place for you. Strategically located near the entrance of Danum Valley Field Centre, INFAPRO Is accessible by road and the journey takes around 2 hours drive from the Lahad Datu town. It can be an alternative accommodation at Danum Valley, in case DVFC is fully booked during your trip. INFAPRO offers you the opportunity to explore the nature’s paradise of Danum Valley where over 500 species of rarest mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians, insects and multitude of unique plants can be found here, living relatively undisturbed for over 130 million years. Trek through the towering tropical trees, lingering lianas, exotic orchids, overhanging epiphytes and keep your eyes peel for some incredible wildlife amongst the foliage here.
Located in the Ulu Segama Forest Reserve buffering the world renowned Danum Valley Conservation Area, Innoprise-FACE Rainforest Rehabilitation Project {INFAPRO} is a tree nursery project base that is responsible for replanting areas of forest that has been logged in the past. INFAPRO was initiated in July 1992 between the Yayasan Sabah Group and Forest Absorbing Carbon Dioxide Emissions {FACE} which previously known as the Foundation of Netherlands. Based on the Memorandum of Understanding, the project sought to plant trees to sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Since its inception, the INFAPRO has planted more than 2 million trees and over 1.5 million tons of carbon dioxide sequestered. A total of 25454 hectares of tropical rainforest has been rehabilitated so far. And, the project became the role model of forest rehabilitation in Southeast Asia that also has benefited locals through employments, enhanced skills and experience, as well as capacity building.
INFAPRO has been certified with the Voluntary Carbon Standards {VCS} by United Nation Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change {UNIPCC}in 2011 and Forest Stewardship Council {FSC} in 2012. INFAPRO is the first VCS AFOLU {Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use} certified forest project in Asia. It has been visited by many researchers, project developers, students, conservationist and government officials from all over the world.
Besides providing accommodation and related facilities for researchers, INFAPRO also offer an accommodation for visitors who are looking to stay within the Danum Valley Conservation Area. Lodging at INFAPRO is simply basic, clean and comfortable. It is an ideal place if you just wan a room to rest and bath after a long day activities. All of the rooms at INFAPRO are complete with air conditioning, ensuite bathroom, hot shower and 24 hours of electricity.
Staying at INFAPRO, you will have the opportunity to experience the rainforest in its undisturbed and rehabilitated state, with diverse and unique flora and fauna. Most of the nature activities are taken place at the Danum Valley Field Centre. There are a network of jungle trails for you to explore, multiple canopy walks and platforms where you’ll be amazed with beautiful colourful birds flying through the canopy, sun bears lazing on the trees and baby orang utan peeping among the branches. At Danum Valley, you can also take a dip in the Ulu Segama river, photography, wildlife spotting, bird watching, or just listening to the distinctive jungle symphony while resting in the lodge. Besides the jungle activities, visitors may also participate in the environmental education and awareness programmes conducted by INFAPRO to learn more about conservation and rehabilitation of the forest.